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🪂Events & Activities

Weekly community events with big rewards!


MTA is bringing the party with weekly community events where players can win big with $MTA tokens. But wait, it gets even better - our community gets to choose the events they want to see! Here's a sneak peek at some of the wacky and wild events we have planned:

Team Death Match (may the best team win!) Free For All (every man for themselves!) Hide and Seek (don't worry, we'll bring the snacks) Mario Kart Race (it's-a me, Mario!) Cops vs. Crimes (let's see who comes out on top) Glass Floor (don't look down!) Map Race (let's see who knows their way around) And so many more!

Keep an eye out for updates and don't forget to cast your vote on the events you want to see. We promise it will be fun!

Last updated