Buy $MTA token
Buying $MTA: A Step-by-Step Guide
MetaTheftAuto will be paired with ETH on the Arbitrum network. You will need to add the Arbitrum network to your wallet such as Meta Mask if you haven't already. How To Add Arbitrum to MetaMask: Click here
Many exchanges and third party cryptocurrency payment processors offer the ability to purchase Arbitrum ETH directly or by swapping currencies to Arbitrum ETH. Some examples are Binance, Coinbase, Krakken, KuCoin, Crypto, Changenow, Moonpay, Sushi, Dextools and more.
You can buy/sell/swap with Arbitrum ETH as you would any other crypto currency. If you need any additional information specific to your wallet or exchange then search for the information online as Arbitrum is a prominent and popular network. When searching for the token you can search ARB and see Ethereum network highlighted or search ETH and see the Arbitrum network highlighted.
Arbitrum Network Block Explorer:
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